It's me again! Thought it was about time to post a blog for all of you to see! I am continuing to have such a wonderful time here and growing and learning in so many different ways. It's hard to believe only three more months and I will be leaving this beautiful place!
I was going to post last week about the old Finnish dances (Wanhat), that the kids take part in every year, but that will be after this one because this one is much more exciting. This one has to do with three of my favorite things; fishing, food, and family.
Just this morning my first host family and my host Grandpa Jasko came to pick me up and take me ice fishing! And no this isn't the "freeze your butt off waiting for fish to bite your line" kind of ice fishing. This is with a 90 m net out on the huge Archipelago. We caught FIVE different types of fish and ended with a total of 20 fish! Not too bad for one day out on the ice. Of course the nets did all the work...
In case you don't remember, this is my fist host family's summer cottage. Here pictured in the wintertime. Just as beautiful and lovely as in the summer.
Walking out to sea with all the equipment.
Looking out on the Archipelago. It was really foggy today but lucky for us there was no wind and the temps. were in the high 20's.
Picture does no justice. Come see for yourself!
It's me I'm alive and kickin' and such a good helper!
The Finnish contraption for catching fish. If you remember my last blog it is the same way of fishing.
Uncovering the pot of gold! Or er, fish!
Here we go wish us luck!
Nothing yet...
Bingo! A nice sized pike and just as nice trout!
Yippy I caught some too! Looks like a zander this time.
Learning how to bleed a fish. Apparently it's fresher this way...
I'm a fish murderer!Zander and a perch!
So there were two nets Jaska had set out. The first one caught one perch, one pike, one trout, and one zander. Wait till you see the next one...
Like a professional.
No just kidding. This is the professional.
Boo-yah! Now we have struck gold. Three bream, one rainbow trout (which escaped from a farm, they don't grow wild here I guess), and 10 zander.We shall feast tonight!
*Le bream, in case, like me, you have never seen (or even heard of for that matter) before.
Again just because I enjoy boasting how many fish we caught!
Fishies going for a joy ride before being gutted and scaled.
But of course we were famished from fishing so we had to eat first! Here we see lovely Jaana working hard to prepare the meal.
And then, of course, there's Matti snoozing away while the women prepare the food. Men...
Okay, so if you've ever wondered why I don't post many food pictures on here, it's because I tend to eat them first. I don't think I will ever be able to solve this problem. So sorry. But, at least I take the after pictures! And above you see a wonderful empty pot of boiled broccoli and cauliflower. Which was covered with delicious spicy venison sauce on my plate. (If your imagination is good enough I won't have to take pictures!).
And here is a nearly empty coffee pot and some butter.
My once-filled coffee cup and mini-pan of creme brule. Mmm-mmm good! Oh and mother, I do believe I have inherited your "seriously medically diagnosed addition to coffee" genes. I do tend to spend an avid amount of time at the cafe... Which also might be where all my Rotary money goes... Hmm. Its a win-lose situation... Enough small talk, back to work! Here *le bream are being *le scaled.
Grandpa Jaska hard at work!
Matti gutting the fish. I'm so excited to do this when I get home! It's so easy I never knew... Gross, but easy...
The end! An up-close of the fish all clean and gutted. Ready for a nice bowl of soup, the frying pan, a hot oven, or even raw on some rye.
So my dear blog followers, thus ends my wonderful day of fishing in Nauvo. Overall, I had an EXCEPTIONAL time, I learned so much, and spent the day with some of my favorite people here in Finland. As always, I hope all is well back home for all of you, and I can't wait to see you when I get home! Other than that, over-and-out!
P.S. I promise to post soon about the traditional Finnish Wanhat. But this might only be enjoyable for the ladies, considering there are lots of pretty dresses and fancy-footwork. Stay tuned!
Much love,