Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011

Hello everyone!

Can you believe its already September!? It feels like I've only been here in Finland for a week, yet it has been one month and a week!

Not much has happened since I last posted something here. Things are carrying on same as usual, i.e. school, no homework, eating a lot of food, learning Finnish, and spending time with my host family.

Recently I went to a club with a friend I met at school. This was my first club experience and probably my last. While spending time with my new Finnish friend was fun, the club experience was disgusting. Much too loud of music, having to shout to speak to your friends, walking on glass shards and vomit, and clothes covered in alcoholic beverages from drunk teenagers made for a one time club experience I do not plan on attending again. However, I can now say that I went to a Finnish club and have proof that the Finns are not so shy when drinking. (Also, for those worried, my friend and I were not drinking, only dancing.) We left when the air started to cloud with the smell of vomit. I kid you not, it really was as gross as I am describing it. But my pictures are nice!
 This is the Finnish friend I was talking about. Her name is Emma, she's 19, and just as tall as me!
 Ooooo! Crazy club lights!
You would never guess they are drunk would you? Right. I don't know who they are and didn't even know they sneaked into the photo. Ignore them, aren't we pretty!?

Ha! Okay so yes, that was my lovely, one time only club experience. On the other hand, I have had much funner and lovelier times with my host family. For example, we just got back this weekend from their summer cottage. All day Sunday we picked apples. We ended up with about 150 kilos of apples, all being used to make apple cider! Yum!
 The dog (Wenda) and I by the apple harvest.
 Behind that lovely lady is the summer cottage.
 Front of the summer cottage and tool house/bathroom to the right.
Inside; table where delicious meals were eaten!

I don't think I will be going back to their summer cottage because winter is on its way. However, I will be going to my second host families' summer cottage soon. I will miss this place :(

There you have it. Nothing new has been going on here in Finland but I am still having a lovely time. Picking apples all day in Nauvo made me forget about the Posen Potato Festival going on back home. I hope you all had fun there! For those who went that is.

Anyways, I must be going now. It is time for Spanish in school and then I must wait till 4:45 for my first Finnish class to begin. Maybe I will go shopping!

I will post again soon!



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