Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 19, 2011


Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well. In case you were wondering I am doing great. Spending lots of time in school and at the gym. Learning Finnish and the ways and customs of this lovely country. The leaves have now fallen since my last blog post and it is getting very chilly here; around 45 every day and getting much colder at night. It is also getting much darker here. Yesterday I woke up for school and I wasn't sure if I had just randomly woken up in the middle of the night or if it was time to get up! It will be a very strange and new experience becoming nocturnal I do believe!

Anyways, I have coming with no new news. Just the same ol' same ol'. The second period of five has started in school already. I am taking Cinema & Video, Painting, Religion, and Finnish Society. I enjoy all these classes but the Finnish Society is getting rather boring. The language barrier makes it hard to pay attention in class. But don't worry I have not fallen asleep yet. :)

I have for you, however, some nice picture of making my FAVORITE food here in Finland. It's called, karjalanpiirakka. It's a rice porridge mixture surrounded by a rye crust. Usually served warm with egg butter, but I just prefer butter. My host family and I spend Sunday evening making these delicious little buggers and it was surprisingly very easy to make. When I get home this will be one of the foods I will be making for you all to try!

 Working hard!
 Getting ready to go into the oven.
 The end product lightly smothered in melted butter, YUM!
Lots and lots of em'!

That's all I have for you today folks. Nothing special has been happening but school, gym, and spending time with friends. I will hopefully post more pictures for you next time I blog. Miss you all! Hope all is well!



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