Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August 17, 2011

Good Afternoon my faithful blog followers :)

I don't even know who looks at this blog but I hope its a good read for ya!

Anyways, there has been a little dilemma here concerning which school I will go to. The first school I was supposed to go to (Luostarivuoren Lukio), lost my papers and their classes are full. Therefore, Matti took me to his old school where they were more than happy to take me in and I know have my first period schedule all set and a new school. I will be taking Spanish 1, Italian 1, English 7, and Art. My latest class goes till 2:30 on Monday and Thursday. However, starting in September I will be going to an Adult University to take "Finnish for Foreigners".

Other than that, everything is running very smoothly here and I am enjoying myself very much. Below, I have posted some pictures of what my daily walk to school looks like, a.k.a. the city of Turku:

 River again.
 Bridge to the other side of the river; leads to the market place and my school.
 Just a very cool looking building.
 Market produce! Yum!
 Lots of market!
 Street with cafes and restaurants.

Now below is my new school. I don't remember the name because it is very long but I will figure it out soon enough:

 Both pictures show the front of the school.

Well there you have it. I have some more picture of Turku but I will post them later when I have gone through them all, I think I took 200 or so photos, ha!

I hope all is well back home and that you are all doing well. I'll post another blog soon :)

Moi Moi!

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