Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 8, 2011

Hello everyone!

I have arrived in Helsinki and am now at the Karkku Orientation Camp (3 hour bus ride away from Helsinki). We have free wi-fi here so that's the only reason why I can post this. Anyways, it's 5a.m. here right now but I couldn't sleep anymore so here I am!

Everything seems to be going great and I just cant wait till I'm with my host family. There are about 120 exchange students here from all over the world and they are all staying in Finland. However, only 3, including myself, are staying in Turku.

It's funny, being here isn't much different from being in Michigan. The weather is the same (today it's raining) and the landscape looks very similar. Just imagine driving to the U.P. and that is what Finland looks like, or Helsinki anyways. I haven't tried any new foods yet. In fact I'm waiting for breakfast right now as we speak. I'm starving!

Well then, I suppose I will post something here some time soon before I leave this camp for Turku. I'm happy to be here and miss everyone in Michigan already. Talk to you soon!



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